15 Rules To Live By In 2023

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Marichelle E. Urquico
3 min readJan 2, 2023
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

Want to have a great year? Read these first thing in the morning for 365 days:

  1. Do more of what gives you energy. How much energy you have each day determines the quality of your life — Eat healthy food. Rest, sleep, and exercise more. Similarly, do less of what robs you of energy — Less sugar, less toxic news, and less screen time.
  2. Work with excellence. Being excellent is a choice you can make every single moment. If you are not willing to do an excellent job at something, there’s a good chance you are just wasting your time and energy. Do something else.
  3. Work with love and joy. You can’t work with excellence if you are doing things half-heartedly. If you want to give it your all, give it some love and joy. It will make all the difference.
  4. Live what God intended for you to be. Ryan Holiday said in his article that nature demands a human being to do his job. My take is that all human beings are created in God’s image and likeness. You were meant to be great, successful, and achieve good things in life — act accordingly.
  5. Push yourself daily and never settle for comfort. If something feels too easy, ask yourself how it can be better. The more challenging it gets, the faster you can grow. The…



Marichelle E. Urquico

Lifestyle writer in the morning 👩‍💻 Healthcare worker in the afternoon 🥼